Frequently Asked Questions

These are 5 most frequent questions regarding GMod9 and mods*

Are there any nextbots?

Nope. I know, that's amazing. What do you mean you like your PNGs that want to kill you?!?! LEAVE

Is DarkRP in GMod9?


Are there any FNaF ragdolls?

Actually, yes. I hope the creator of them burns in hell :)

Are there any maps from GMod13

Nafrayu ported some maps over to GMod9, without it they wouldn't work. The only(?) person that knows how to do that is Nafrayu, but please, don't spam his DMs just because you want to see some map in GMod9

Are there any mods from GMod13

No. GMod13 Lua and GMod9 Lua are too different and as you probably might've guessed, GMod9 Lua isn't as advanced as GMod13 Lua

I only made this just to reply with LEAVE to cringe GMod13 things because yes